Not gonna lie, not digging that branding. “Apple ID” just rolls off the tongue better.

    13 hours ago

    As someone who had to support Apple products at an enterprise level, kindly fuck off. Trying to explain that an appleid is a users apple account is annoying as fuck, and they don’t remember it because it’s not labeled as an account, then bitch at the person trying to help them about long password reset process’s (or losing their data). Particularly when dealing with people with known anger issues that have the power to fire you on a whim.

    Standard terminology exists for a damn good reason. This is a very welcome change.

    • I agree with you. It’s not identity, it’s an account. Laypersons are used to drivers licenses (IDs) and bank accounts. The rename is definitely a welcome change and makes Apple consistent with Microsoft and Google etc.

              3 hours ago

              Then don’t use the apps? You’re getting angry about free apps that you aren’t forced to use or even install (they are not even installed by default so you chose to install them).

              Also as a LiO user since StarOffice, Apple’s apps are totally different beasts and I don’t see how they could be compatible. It’s like comparing Scrivener to WordGrinder; sure you can write a letter in both but they’re still fundamentally different apps with different functionality and design goals and their file formats aren’t ODF because of that.

              If you need ODF/OOXML-like word processing, use apps that support them. Don’t expect non ODF/OOXML-like word processors to handle files they’ve no reason to be mucking about with.