Hej everyone. My traefik setup has been up and running for a few months now. I love it, a bit scary to switch at first, but I encourage you to look at, if you haven’t. Middelwares are amazing: I mostly use it for CrowdSec and authentication. Theres two things I could use some feedback, though.

  1. I mostly use docker labels to setup routers in traefik. Some people only define on router (HTTP) and some both (+ HTTPS) and I did the latter.
- labels
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin.entrypoints=web
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin.rule=Host(`jellyfin.local.domain.de`)
      - traefik.http.middlewares.jellyfin-https-redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin.middlewares=jellyfin-https-redirect
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin-secure.entrypoints=websecure
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin-secure.rule=Host(`jellyfin.local.domain.de`)
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin-secure.middlewares=local-whitelist@file,default-headers@file
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin-secure.tls=true
      - traefik.http.routers.jellyfin-secure.service=jellyfin
      - traefik.http.services.jellyfin.loadbalancer.server.port=8096
      - traefik.docker.network=media

So, I don’t want to serve HTTP at all, all will be redirected to HTTPS anyway. What I don’t know is, if I can skip the HTTP part. Must I define the web entrypoint in order for redirect to work? Or can I define it in the traefik.yml as I did below?

    address: ':88'
    address: ":80"
          to: websecure
          scheme: https
    address: ":443"

  1. I use homepage (from benphelps) as my dashboard and noticed, that when I refresh the page, all those widgets take a long time to load. They did not do that, when I connecte homepage to those services directly using IP:PORT. Now I use URLs provided by traefik, and it’s slow. It’s not really a problem, but I wonder, if I made a mistake somewhere. I’m still a beginner when it comes to this, so any pointers in the right direction are apprecciated. Thank you =)
  • @Pete90@feddit.deOP
    11 year ago

    Each service stack (e.g. media, iso downloading) has it’s own network and traefik is in each of those networks as well. It works and seperates the stacks from each other (i don’t want stack a to be able to access stack b, which would be the case with a single traefik network, I think.)

    • chiisanaA
      11 year ago

      If you don’t mind, can you please try disabling all but one or two stacks and see if your homepage responds faster?

      I think although your setup may work, and is definitely better than me dumping everything into the Traefik gateway network, I can’t help but to wonder if Traefik picked up some overhead with each additional network it gets added to…?

      • @Pete90@feddit.deOP
        11 year ago

        That’s a great idea, I’ll give it a try tomorrow. The weird thing is, the webuis load just fine, at least 90+ of the time is almost instant…

      • @Pete90@feddit.deOP
        11 year ago

        I did what you suggested and reduced (1) the number of running services to a minimum and (2) the networks traefik is a member of to a minmum. It didn’t change a thing. Then I opened a private browser window and saw much faster loading times. Great. I then set everything back and refreshed the private browser window: still fast. Okay. Guess it’s not Traefik after all. The final nail in the coffin for my theory: I uses two traefik instances. Homepage still loads its widgets left to right, top to bottom (the order from the yaml file). The order doesn’t correspond to the instances, it’s more or less random. So I’m assuming the slowdown has something to do with (a) either caching from traefik or (b) the way Homepage handels the API request: http://IP:PORT (fast) or https://subdomain.domain.de. Anyway, thanks for your help!

        • chiisanaA
          11 year ago

          Humph… I wonder what’s the actual underlying issue here. Such a strange one!! Hope you’re able to figure it out at some point!