Transit fares for TransLink users will go up about 2.3 per cent this summer.

On July 1, single-zone fares will increase five cents, from $3.15 to $3.20. Two-zone fares will increase by 10 cents, to $4.65 and three-zone fares will go up 15 cents, up to $6.35.

Daypasses, discounted tickets and monthly passes will also face slight increases.

Transit fares in Metro Vancouver last increased in July, another 2.3 per cent hike.

Spokesperson Tina Lovgreen says TransLink is in a “financial crisis,” and looking at a shortfall of about $600 million annually starting in 2026.

She said the transit system is facing “critical overcrowding,” which revenue from the fare increases will help address.

    21 year ago

    It’s like we didn’t learn from the user-fee drop during COVID and how that (and a minor ransomware attack) all but gutted the service.

    But I also vehemently disagree with using public money for private profit, like every other Public/Private/Partnership already does (see:BCFerries). Make it public and free to use; or private and 100% user-fee supported so it has no tax teat, it can go bankrupt and THEN be public and free to use.