I just wanted to post this here because I want to help you all and hurt gen.xyz as much as possible. I had a .xyz domain through njal.la which I used to host jellyfin, homeassistant, and other basic things for friends and family. My domain recently became inaccessible without any notice. After a while of troubleshooting, I found that it had been reported to xyz as abuse, and they must have done zero investigation whatsoever before serverholding my domain. I thought about opening a ticket with xyz to get my domain back, but realized that I no longer wish to buy from some shitty company that will take down any site without warning. Bought a .com domain since they are somewhat reputable, and I would advise everyone here to never buy a .xyz domain. Angry rant over.

  • Toes♀
    9 months ago

    Sounds like an issue with your registrar more so than the domain authority?

    Do you have any information to distinguish that?

    Does anyone here know if they are the same entity?